July 2012 ~ cracked private fud crypter

cracked CrypteX v2.5 source code

CrypteX v2.5 is coded by Killamuvz.
This Crypter source is coded in C#. Killamuvz has implemented advanced features such as having 2 encryption methods, using various encryptions such as RC2, PolyRC2 and etc. In other words this Crypter is full of brilliant and advanced features.
This Crypter Source is not recommended for novice users.
Publisher: Cracked private crypter
Developer:  KillaMuvz
Release name: CrypteX v2.5
Size: 844 KB

cracked Saddam Crypter Source code

Saddam Crypter Is currently the best seller. The Crypter Source provided is conventional and works perfectly. The source code is easy to learn from. Saddam the coders uses innovative techniques to deliver a high quality product. From this source you can learn how the features and the code-base is coded from a dedicated coder.
Saddam Crypter comes with the following features:
Icon Changer
Startup and Process persistence
Extension changer
Two types of encryption (Rijndael) (XOR)
Custom process injection
Fake message Generator
Several ANTI’S
File pumper (Megabytes) and (Kilobytes)
Random junk generator
Delay execution 
Publisher: Cracked private crypter
Developer: Saddameu
Release name: Sadam Crypter
Size: 858 KB

cracked Sikandar Crypter Source code V7

Sikandar Crypter project has been running for a very long time. It’s currently the most sold Crypter alongside with Saddam Crypter. Sikandar Crypter Source uses advanced .NET techniques to make this powerful Crypter function. From this Crypter Source you can learn a lot of advanced methods on how Sikandar Crypter stores its bytes in a unique way in conjunction with exactly how the radical RunPE is coded.
Sikandar Crypter comes with the following features:
Various encryption methods
Unique stub generator (USG)
File Binder
Process killers
Obfuscation system
Website blocker
Startup manager
File cloner
Fake message generator
Built in Scanner
Custom data storage
Publisher: Cracked private crypter
Developer: Support™
Release name: Sikandar Crypter Source V7
Size: 264 KB

star crypter v1.3 source code

Star Crypter Source is clean and well managed. Star Crypter uses a combination of innovative and simple code to make this fantastic Crypter function. This Crypter Source delivers numerous features, and this can become highly advantageous to learn how the code is demonstrated and outputted.

Star Crypter comes with the following features: 


32/64 BIT Injection 

Fake Error 

Assembly Changer 
Icon Changer 
Extension Spoofer 
Add to Start-up 

Publisher: cracked private crypter

Developer: felicixus 

Release name: Star Crypter Public Version V1.3 

Size: 409 KB

cracked Stealth logger v8.0.0.0

Stealth logger

Stealth Logger, is an amazing compact application. The logger provides many features such as a keylogger, pinglogger, framework checker, file pumper, RAT and extension spoofer. This little application has it all and surely has the greatest features.
Publisher: Cracked private crypter
Developer: Stealth Coder
Release name: Stealth Logger v8.0.0.0
Size: 4,341 KB


CRUM Joiner Polymorphic v3.1


 the main function is the ability to merge files without any limit on the amount. Like the previous binary can refer to a 256-byte encryption, polymorphic and detection capabilities of virtual machines. The price is USD 100 and upgrades are free.

It costs $ 100 and its features to date include:

     Like the older brother has polymorphic capabilities
     Allows you to merge an unlimited number of files with any extension (mp3, avi, doc, bmp, jpg, exe)
     Configure functionality in the final file (folder housing, attributes, etc.).
     Select the iconography. By default, the software brings 40 images
     Encryption of binary random key of 256 bytes
     Supports Drag & Drop
     Ability to select the final file extension
     Removing icons from files
     Anti-analysis capability. Prevents execution of the binary in virtual machines

With regard to the conditions of sale and use of crimeware, the author claims not to share the cripter or its components (this goes against the "business"), use it for commercial purposes (an apparent contradiction) or subject to analysis through online sites as VirusTotal (this increases the detection rate of binary). Requirements that appear to be rather childish.

The objective behind the development of these applications is to increase the life cycle of malicious codes that are subject to malicious processes proposed by the application, adding anti-analysis features that hinder its analysis and subsequent detection by the antivirus companies.

     download link

CRUM Cryptor Polymorphic v2.6

CRUM Cryptor Polymorphic

This is an application type crypter. Its main feature is the ability to generate polymorphic malware encrypts every file created with a random key of 256 bytes. It also offers the possibility of the anti-malware analysis processes such as the detection of virtual machines. Your cost is USD 200 and includes updates 

                                                                  download link

[15 - jun] 2012 Crypter [Binder - Spreader - Spoofer] [35+ Features] [C#]

2012 Crypter

2012 Crypter Private Version

    [+]Working on : XP/VISTA/7 [32/64 BIT]
    [+]Private Encrypted Fud RunPE
      [+]RunPE #1 (Special RunPE Coded In VB)
      [+]RunPE #2 (Special RunPE Coded In C#)
    [+]Custom Injection
      [+]Drop & Run
      [+]Default Browser
    [+]9 Different Encryption
      [+]Polymorphic Encryption
    [+]File Binder
      [+]Binds Any File (.jpg, .mp3, .pdf, .wmv etc)
      [+]One time execution Binder added
    [+]40% Small Out-Put then the original file size
    [+]Custom encryption Pool
    [+]22+ Antis
      [+]35+ Antis
    [+]2 Start-Up
      [+]Add to Start-up Folder
    [+]Custom Start-up Name
    [+]Custom Install Path
      [+]My Documents
    [+]Hide File
    [+]4 Worm Functions
      [+]USB Spreader
      [+]RAR Spreader
      [+]Zip Spreader
      [+]Lan Spreader
    [+]4 Disablers
      [+]Task Manager
      [+]System Restore
      [+]System Registry
    [+]NT Header
    [+]File Persience
    [+]Melt File
    [+]Bypass Firewall
    [+]Bypass UAC
    [+]Custom encryption key
    [+]Assembly Changer
    [+]File Cloner
    [+]Icon Changer
    [+]Extension Spoofer
    [+]Private Version Starting From 11€
      [+]11€ for 1 Month
      [+]21€ for 3 Months
      [+]35€ for 6 Months
      [+]50€ for lifetime

    Features with [+] Sign are only in Private Version.

100% Tested and Works With:
[√] BlackShades RAT
[√] BlackShades HTTP
[√] Blackshades Stealer
[√] Blackshades Fusion
[√] CyberGate
[√] DarkComet 5
[√] SpyNet
[√] XtremeRAT
[√] iStealer
[√] DDoSeR
[√] Albertino’s Advanced RAT
[√] Poison Ivy
[√] Cerberus
[√] xDoseR
[√] Turkojan 4 Gold
[√] Dark DDoser
[√] Cammy
[]Rapzo Logger ( Public & Private Edition )
[]XYZ Logger (All Versions)
[]Predator Pain (All Versions)
[]541′s Keylogger (All Versions)
[]Jays Keylogger
[]r3d0n l0GG3r (All Versions)
[]{Project Neptune (All Versions)
[]Works With all .net Keyloggers

QuikN’EZ Torrent Spreader 2.6

The QuikN’EZ Torrent Spreader will forever change the way you look at spreading your content via torrents. No longer is distributing your torrents to trackers a tedious and painstaking process, all it takes is a single click!
QuikN’EZ Torrent Spreader 2.6

Instead of having to copy/paste your description for each file over and over again, now you just type it in once, hit save, and you’re set to upload for the life of that torrent! By only having to fill in the information for each one of your torrents only once you save a significant amount of time uploading per torrent – allowing you to double, triple, or even quadruple your throughput in the same amount of time it would have taken you to upload manually.
QuikN’EZ Torrent Spreader 2.6
Each trackers’ upload format is automatically generated and optimized for each site (HTML-embedded images, BB code, etc.) resulting in high-quality, properly formatted torrents that noticeably increase your hit-rate.
QuikN’EZ Torrent Spreader 2.6
Once you have your configuration prepared, you simply go through each tracker and upload each torrent by clicking a button to copy over the description and then filling in the appropriate CAPTCHA. Now it’s easy to be consistent with your uploading and to remember to include each tracker for each torrent.

QuikN’EZ Torrent Spreader 2.6
Bands, independent e-book writers, content publishers, marketers, and many other users find this mass torrent uploader to be an excellent way to speed up the distribution of their media and promotional items.

Supported trackers include…
  • Seedpeer
  • Fenopy
  • Torrent Portal
  • Torrent Matrix
  • Kickass Torrents
  • Btscene
  • Demonoid
  • Torrent Downloads
  • Vertor
  • Torrent Reactor
  • Fulldls
  • TorrentState
  • Limetorrents
  • The Pirate Bay
  • BtMon
  • Sumotorrent
  • 1337x

* No torrent configurations are included


Smart Assembly v6.6.5.41 Full with Keygen

Smart Assembly v6.6.3.41 Full with Keygen Minggu, 22 April 2012 · Posted in Dot NET Tools, Protector “SmartAssembly” is the most efficient way to get customer feedback on your application. It provides you with quick, continuous, and automatic reports on any exceptions your customers encounter in the field, as well as feedback on how users are interacting with your application. With this data, you can deliver faster fixes and improve your software in a way that will make a real difference to your customers. And if that wasn’t enough, it also protects your software with top-notch obfuscation, keeping your code safe. Keep your .NET code and IP safe with SmartAssembly obfuscation .NET applications are easy to disassemble if they haven't been obfuscated, which is a problem if you've invested time, effort, and money in your code. SmartAssembly is an obfuscator that helps protect your .NET code against reverse-engineering, cracking, and modification. If you don't want your code exposed internationally, or if your entire business rests on the IP embodied in your software, then obfuscating your code becomes a necessity, not a luxury".

Read more at: http://belajar-cracking.blogspot.com/2012/04/smart-assembly-v66341-full-with-keygen.html
Copyright http://belajar-cracking.blogspot.com Under Common Share Alike Atribution
“SmartAssembly” is the most efficient way to get customer feedback on your application. It provides you with quick, continuous, and automatic reports on any exceptions your customers encounter in the field, as well as feedback on how users are interacting with your application. With this data, you can deliver faster fixes and improve your software in a way that will make a real difference to your customers. And if that wasn’t enough, it also protects your software with top-notch obfuscation, keeping your code safe.

Keep your .NET code and IP safe with SmartAssembly obfuscation .NET applications are easy to disassemble if they haven't been obfuscated, which is a problem if you've invested time, effort, and money in your code. SmartAssembly is an obfuscator that helps protect your .NET code against reverse-engineering, cracking, and modification. If you don't want your code exposed internationally, or if your entire business rests on the IP embodied in your software, then obfuscating your code becomes a necessity, not a luxury".
Smart Assembly v6.6.5.41

smartassembly is a first-rate .NET Obfuscator, and will thus protect your .NET Intellectual Property.
But, beyond that, {smartassembly} additionally offers you, and every .NET developer, the most efficient and easiest way to: Further secure your .NET application (Strings Encoding, Anti-disassembler & Anti-decompiler options, Strong Name signature...)
Deploy your .NET application in one file (Dependencies Merging, Compression and Embedding).
Remove all non-useful code and metadata (Pruning).
Perform other code optimizations (Memory Management, Automatic Sealing of Classes...).
And debug your obfuscated and deployed assembly automatic unhandled exception reporting via 24x7x365 managed Web Service.

Smart Assembly v6.6.5.41with keygen